Free monthly membership, and once enrolled, you will receive our $50 PPM Kit to host your group. Thank you for volunteering and making a 1 year positive difference and commitment to hosting a Postpartum Mamas support group near you!
We kindly thank you for any donation you would like to contribute to our Non-Profit Organization. You may donate under our donate tab.
Suggested $59 annual registration donation preferred but not required.
50% of donations are contributed towards our Mamas Mental Health fund to assist all mothers in any and all mental health crisis. See Mamas Mental Health Fund Application via Membership & Forms.
For more postpartum resource information visit www.mama360.org.
Postpartum Mamas Kit
Cost: $50 (OPTIONAL Kit for members and FREE for Facilitators.)
This includes:
PPM Curriculum and Healing Module Videos
Nine-month Curriculum
Nine Healing Module Videos
Postpartum Mamas facilitators are not trained to offer mental health assistance or counseling services. Anyone experiencing suicidal thoughts should contact 911 or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). If anyone discloses intentions or desires to harm themselves, their children, or others, PPM is legally obligated to contact authorities for the safety of all involved. Anyone experiencing severe cases of postpartum depression we advise calling emergency services and anyone needing assistance with postpartum depression we advise calling a local psychiatrist, a counselor, and the Postpartum International hotline at 1-800-944-4773 or text 503-894-9453. Postpartum Mamas will not be held liable for the actions of its members, either in meetings or outside of them.