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Welcome to your group experience with Postpartum Mamas! A support group can be a powerful and valuable venue for healing and growth. It is the desire of Postpartum Mamas that you reap all of the benefits your support group has to offer. To help this occur, groups are structured to include a safe and confidential environment in which you are able to feel respected and valued as you share your thoughts and experiences. Postpartum Mamas serves as a monthly support group that meets once or twice a month for mothers experiencing all and any struggles through motherhood, including but not limited to depression, postpartum depression, anxiety, infertility, miscarriage, infant loss, pregnancy complications, parenting struggles, lack of family support, loneliness, isolation, or any of the other myriad challenges modern mothers face. Together, facilitators, co-facilitators, and members work to create a nonjudgmental, empathetic, and confidential environment that helps mothers to feel heard, valued, and unconditionally supported. 


Postpartum Mamas facilitators are not trained to offer mental health assistance or counseling services. Anyone experiencing suicidal thoughts should contact 911 or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). If anyone discloses intentions or desires to harm themselves, their children, or others, PPM is legally obligated to contact authorities for the safety of all involved. Anyone experiencing severe cases of postpartum depression we advise calling emergency services and anyone needing assistance with postpartum depression we advise calling a local psychiatrist, a counselor, and the Postpartum International hotline at 1-800-944-4773 or text 503-894-9453. Postpartum Mamas will not be held liable for the actions of its members, either in meetings or outside of them.


A Safe Environment

A safe environment is created and maintained by both the facilitator of your group and its members. Primary ingredients are mutual respect and a chance to create trust. Another primary ingredient for a safe environment has to do with confidentiality. All facilitators and members are bound by honor to keep what is said in the group in the group. We realize that you may want to share what you are learning about yourself in your group with a significant other. This is fine as long as you remember not to talk about how events unfold in your group or in any other way compromise the confidentiality of other group members. We encourage members to foster friendship connections outside of the group if they so desire. We ask that when fostering these friendships, confidentiality is strictly maintained for all your group members and all members of PPM and any other individual in each of our lives. No experience or story revealed inside of the group is to be spoken about outside of the group if that member is not present.


Other Safety Factors:

Members of a group may not use drugs or alcohol before or during group. 


Members of a group should not engage in discussion of group issues outside of 

group sessions strictly adhering to confidentiality which is the basis of PPM. If any member breaches confidentiality member will be permanently removed from PPM and removed from all private fb groups.


Members of a group should remember that keeping confidentiality allows for an 

environment where trust can be built and all members may benefit from the group experience.


Talk of politics is strictly discouraged. Facilitators should ensure all political discussion is left out of the group.


Your group facilitator will monitor discussions and maintain a respectful environment to keep safety and trust a priority. 




Postpartum Mamas Non-Discrimination & Confidentiality Policy:

Non-Discrimination Policy:

All members, mothers, facilitators, board members and employees will practice respect and non-discrimination of all fellow members. If any disrespect, mental health discrimination, or any discrimination occurs, the offending member will be permanently removed from PPM. All mothers regardless of race, socioeconomic status, mental health struggles, religious beliefs, or background will be welcomed and supported graciously.

Most members are coming to support group meetings with various struggles and diverse experiences. Members are coming to our support groups with diverse life circumstances and struggles, to feel strengthened and supported, not to be further stigmatized, judged, or put down in any way. Any remember not practicing respect and compassion for all members of group will be permanently removed from PPM. Feelings are neither right nor wrong, good nor bad. All feelings are okay and that should be recognized and respected, without judgment. Feelings can be released when they are heard with compassion, empathy, and respect. This is what unconditional presence means.

Confidentiality Policy:

Postpartum Mamas holds a strict confidentiality policy. Nothing said within our support groups is to be taken outside of group. This is the foundational guideline of Postpartum Mamas. Maintaining confidentiality is how trust is formed within each support group. Anyone that breaches this will be removed as a member of PPM. 

Postpartum Mamas Preamble:

Postpartum Mamas is a 501c 3 mental health Organization providing mental health support groups to mothers experiencing any and all struggles through motherhood including but not limited to depression, postpartum, anxiety, miscarriage, grief, infant loss, infertility, single-parenting, divorce, domestic violence, and who have blessings to share; solely to uplift, encourage, and unite, in a confidential and safe environment. 


Postpartum Mamas appreciates strict adherence to our mental health, confidentiality, and non-discrimination policies for all members and mothers participating in our Postpartum Mamas mental health support group program. 


All members, co-facilitators and facilitators will practice respect and non-discrimination of all members. All mothers regardless of race, socioeconomic status, religious beliefs, or background will be welcomed and graciously supported. If any discrimination occurs, the offending member will be permanently removed from PPM. 


Members will not engage in distracting off topic conversations. If conversations are consistently off topic and distracting, the member will receive a warning and after two warnings will be removed from PPM.


Members are here to practice active listening skills and respond with support at the eighty-minute mark at the end of group during the ten-minute Resource/Support time. If anyone does not have resources to give or receive, that should be respected, and members are welcome to leave at the eighty-minute mark.


Facilitators, co-facilitators and members will be removed from their smaller group of ten members once membership is cancelled for the safety and privacy of all other group members, and we ask that any prior information disclosed in group by other group members remain confidential.



Your presence in your group is highly important. A group dynamic is formed that helps create an environment for growth and change. If you are absent from the group, this dynamic suffers and affects the experience of you and other members of the group. Therefore, your facilitator would ask that you make this commitment a top priority for the duration of the group. It is understood that occasionally an emergency may occur that will prevent you from attending group. If you are faced with an emergency or sudden illness, please contact your facilitator(s) before the group begins to let them know you will not be present. Because it usually takes several group sessions for clients to "settle in" and receive the full benefits a support group provides, we ask incoming members to make at least a six-month commitment when they join a group. 


What to Expect

Each meeting will begin with a reminder that everything stated within the confines of the support group is strictly confidential. The facilitator will then read the PPM Preamble as follows:


“Postpartum Mamas is a support group founded for mothers experiencing all and any struggles though motherhood including but not limited to depression, anxiety, miscarriage, infant loss, parenting struggles, or who have blessings to share; solely to uplift, encourage, and unite in a confidential and safe environment.”


The facilitator will then introduce the required monthly topic and related question, along with a verse or inspirational story if desired speaking between five to fifteen minutes. Sharing will continue in a circle as each mother who wishes to share has the chance to do so. Facilitators should ensure that each mother has the opportunity to speak without interruption, advice, or input. While one mother shares, the rest should practice active listening. Facilitator will make sure each mother has enough time to speak about their experiences and feelings. Mothers who wish to share not relating to the topic or question may do so, we just ask each facilitator ensures every mother gets the chance to speak a fair amount of time. Any mother who does not wish to share that day may of course pass, or she may simply offer a brief description of her feelings that day. Mothers do not have to share if they do not wish to share; they can simply come to be an active listener.


Once every member has finished speaking, the facilitator will end the group session with any positive resources, verse, or prayer and then group will end with the ten-minute Support/Resource time. Facilitators should reserve the last ten minutes of the session for members to discuss and share helpful resources at the eighty-minute Support/Resource session of the group. If some members wish to leave at this time and have no resources to give or receive, they are welcome to do so, and this should be respected. Members may also share contact information with each other in order to share resources outside of the group setting. We ask that all resources that are shared are positive and helpful. If members are not interested in a shared resource, that should be respected. Remember, the more you give of yourself during the support group session, the more you will receive. The more honest and open you are, the more you allow for insight and growth.


Suggested Annual Registration Donation

Postpartum Mamas is pleased to offer our Postpartum Mamas program and nine-month mental health support groups for free to any and all mothers who need and desire to be connected into a support group of mothers for positive encouragement and fulfillment. Suggested $59 annual registration donation. Our support groups focus on providing mental health support groups with a maximum of 13 mothers per group. Babies held in arms welcome. For more details about group click on our downloadable program on our homepage or simply go to our Frequently Asked Questions Page. ​


Free enrollment which enables for life-time Postpartum Mamas Membership & access to our private fb messenger for daily support from our mothers. 50% of our donation proceeds goes back to our Mamas Mental Health Fund to help mothers who are experiencing crisis or need extra assistance within their households. Please see Mamas Mental Health Fund under Forms. We welcome and appreciate all forms of donations. 



Free monthly membership, and once enrolled, you will receive our FREE PPM Kit to host your group.  Thank you for volunteering and making a 1 year positive difference and commitment to hosting a Postpartum Mamas support group near you!


We kindly thank you for any donation you would like to contribute to our Non-Profit Organization. You may donate under our donate tab.


50% of donations are contributed towards our Mamas Mental Health fund to assist all mothers in any and all mental health crisis. See Mamas Mental Health Fund Application via Membership & Forms.



Facilities: Hospital/Churches:

$150 PPM Kit Fee(includes 9 month curriculum and 9 healing module videos) plus all group handouts to conduct group.


Postpartum Mamas is so pleased to donate 50% of all proceeds to our Mamas Mental Health Fund. This Fund helps mothers who are in mental health crisis or simply need extra help within their homes with their families and children. The more Postpartum Mamas is able to integrate our curriculum into all facilities, the more mothers will be receiving improved and accessible mental health resources. Thank you for your joint efforts in contributing to and providing improved mental health care for all mothers nationwide. This alone is a true gift that will make a pivotal difference in many mothers lives and we are so excited to be able to offer this assistance for all mothers in need. 

For facilities such as churches hospitals etc:




$150 PPM KIT

-9 mth Curriculum and 9 Healing Module Videos

(required for facilities to host their support groups)


or $100 Curriculum only 


In addition facilities will also get our 9 month PPM designed group handouts for facilitators and members for each monthly group.


Option 1 Once a Month Groups in person or via zoom:

Once a month groups: ANNUAL Suggested registration Donation:

*1 Table/group of 13 mothers $767



*2 Tables/groups of 26 mothers $1534



*3 Tables/groups of 38 mothers $2301



*Any additional table/group above 3 groups per location is free*



Some facilities may choose to hold one meeting for multiple groups on the same day and time. This can be achieved by adding various tables and facilitators to one space. 


  • Collecting fees from their members and providing childcare assistance are at the discretion of each facility. Breast-feeding babies are allowed to attend group only if needed up to age one. Childcare services are at the discretion of each facility.


  • All members regardless if facilities collect fees or not from their members will be life-time members of PPM and have all of the same access to the resources of PPM.


  • 50% of all proceeds goes towards our Mamas Mental Health Fund as described above. Postpartum Mamas will always be passionate about giving back to mothers and helping with any and all mental health needs. See Mamas Mental Health Fund Application under Membership & FORMS


Additional groups can be grown and added to new tables as members grow. (Providing once a month support groups with various tables and facilitators per group at one scheduled day and time per month only.) Providing a free Postpartum Mamas Program or charging members is at the discretion of each facility.  The memberships can be reimbursed to facility by members when they sign up for membership.


The purpose of incorporating Postpartum Mamas Program into your facility will be to provide this once a month or twice a month support group which can also grow over time depending on the needs of the members with various tables and facilitators per group, at one scheduled day and time per month only. Facilitators and co-facilitators will attend the facilitator trainings and meet three times a year to discuss any information or concerns that needs to be discussed or resolved within each group. We ask that the appropriate conflict-resolution skills are used and what is spoken about in the meetings remain confidential. These facilitator meetings will occur in September, January, and May for the duration of one hour at a location, day and time chosen by the facility. 


PPM requests that facilitators overview and have knowledge of each monthly topic and handout in the PPM Curriculum that correlates with each month in order to lead their group most effectively. PPM Healing Module Videos are also available for purchase for $100, along with the “Postpartum Mamas Kit” for $175 which includes both the PPM Curriculum and the nine PPM Healing Videos. There will also be a sample PPM Support Group Video uploaded so that facilitators can learn and fully comprehend the structure, format, rules and guidelines of the group, as well as to understand the expectations required of them to lead their own groups in the future.  There will also be required trainings three times during the year for Facilitators and Co-Facilitators which will be held every September, January and May for the duration of one hour at a location chosen at the discretion each facility. 


I have read the above information, understand the information, and agree to the terms of group participation. I understand that Postpartum Mamas facilitators are not trained to offer mental health assistance or counseling services and that Postpartum Mamas will not be held liable for the actions of its members, either in meetings or out of them. Anyone experiencing suicidal thoughts should contact 911 or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). If anyone discloses intentions or desires to harm themselves, their children, or others, PPM is legally obligated to contact authorities for the safety of all involved. Anyone experiencing severe cases of postpartum depression we advise calling emergency services and anyone needing assistance with postpartum depression we advise calling a local psychiatrist, a counselor, and the Postpartum International hotline at 1-800-944-4773 or text 503-894-9453.

Thank You.

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@2020-2023 Postpartum Mamas is a non-profit 501c3 Public Charity Organization

Postpartum Mamas is a Washington non-profit corporation exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Federal Identification Number (EIN): 85 089 0583


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